Westfield Generators are powering into 2015 with record first quarter sales figures with 85% generated from new generator sales and the remaining 15% being from our growing Maintenance Department. 70% of new generator sales have come from the NHS mainly through upgrades, where expansion within the Hospital and subsequent increase in power consumption has resulted in […]
Westfield Powers NHS
by westfieldgenerators
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2015 Sales Drive
by westfieldgenerators
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Westfield Generators have big plans for 2015, with the demise of Progress Group we believe the Scottish Generator Sales Market is in need of another name to add to the Tender List. To promote Westfield in the market place we are pleased to announce the recent appointment of David Feeney to our sales team. David previously employed by […]
Welcome to Our New Site !
by westfieldgenerators
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Welcome to our new site. We’re just getting up and running and would love to hear from you if you have any queries relating to our products and services. Check back here for our latest news. Westfield Generators